Oh Hell

Oh Hell play Oh Hell score result

Play Oh Hell, Romanian Whist, and many popular Oh Hell variations. Play with your favorite rules!

Just learning Oh Hell? The NeuralPlay AI will show you suggested bids and plays. Play along and learn!

Experienced Oh Hell player? Six levels of AI play are offered. Let NeuralPlay's AI challenge you!

Rule customizations include:

  • Maximum cards in a round. Choose from 7 to 13 cards.
  • Deal pattern. Options include down then up, up then down, up only, and down only.
  • Trump determination. Options include dealing a face up card to determine the trump suit, notrump when the face card up is a six or lower, spades-only, fixed trump order (like Kachuful), etc.
  • Scoring. Many popular scoring methods are supported. Separately configure the scoring for a successful bid, an overbid, and an underbid.
  • Hook. Choose whether or not the dealer must bid such that someone will not make their bid.
  • Must trump. Choose whether or not a player must trump when one does not have the suit lead (like La Podrida).
  • Romanian Whist style. Choose to use only the high cards from the deck needed to deal a maximum round hand. The lower cards will be removed from play.
  • Repeat rounds for each player to deal. Choose to repeat: no rounds; rounds of the minimum hand size; rounds of the maximum size and the minimum size; or all rounds.
  • Minimum cards in a hand. Choose from 1 to 3 cards.
Features include:
  • Hints
  • Undo.
  • Review the play of the hand at the end of the hand.
  • Six levels of computer AI to provide challenges for beginning to advanced players.
  • Unique thinking AI to provide a strong AI opponent for different rule variations.
  • Bid and play checker. Let the computer check your bid and play throughout the game and point out differences.
  • Claim. Claim the remaining tricks when your hand is high.
  • Replay hand.
  • Skip hand.
  • Autoplay hand.
  • Offline play.
The following features are available on Android, iOS support is in the works.
  • Detailed player statistics.
  • Achievements.
  • Leaderboard.

Oh Hell is known by many different names including: Oh Pshaw, Oh Well, Blackout, and Blob.